The best model’s makers archites

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KH relies on architects with 15 years of experience in architectural Modeling Service, because many companies pay great attention to the implementation of architectural models for their projects, which indicates the importance of implementing these models for any real estate project, But what are the advantages of KH Models? This and more, we will discuss about it together through this article.

Why does KH rely on experted architects?

The engineering arc model or the maquette is one of the most important and oldest appliances on which architects have relied mainly since ancient times.

The  architects design the model which is the step that precedes the actual implementation of any project, and companies rely on ​​models for many reasons, such as:

  • Engineering Arc Models are important for non-specialists who are unable to understand or visualize architectural drawings and what the  architects designed, through the model they can see and understand the full conception of the project despite their lack of engineering experience.
  • The presence of an engineering model serves as a compass that directs the project organizers to the most accurate form, by avoiding expected errors or problems that are not evident until through the maquette.
  • Adjustability is the most characteristic of massing  model architecture manifacturing that contribute to avoiding any losses that may occur as a result of design errors and inaccuracies.
  • The maquette represents a special vision for major projects such as tourist villages, malls, resorts and other projects that have many details.

Engineering Arc Models shapes:

The architects design the engineering arc model with many different shapes, including:

  • regular shapes.
  • Two-dimensional geometric figures.
  • Three dimensional.

We always care about any architectural shapes that are implemented through our architects that are accurate

in adhering to the dimensions of the project, and we also strive to provide the best service to our customers

through a set of advantages.


Advantages of an engineering  arc model from KH Models:

The most prominent characteristic of KH Models is the way in which the team works. This team  has

15 years of experience in the field of architectural models.

The way we work is divided into two parts: First, before contracting:

At this stage, there are discussion sessions with the client to make complete imagination about the project,

and the purpose of the maquette.

All of this helps us to understand what the client is looking for, and to reach a satisfactory final product,

we provide the client with the ability to inspect the Engineering  Arc model before completing it to rectify

any error or technical problems.

Second, after contracting:

Study the project well and understand it. Follow up on all stages of implementation with the client.

Free delivery, transportation of the model to where the customer wants. Maintenance, warranty and technical support. This is besides the delivery time according to the specified date.

Our architects accept customer feedback and add and modify the model during the implementation period.

We also provide a small brochure that explains how to disassemble the model, in addition to maintenance,

warranty and cover designed specifically for the maquette.

What are you waiting for, contact us now and enjoy the best Architecture models implementation service in the fastest time, best quality and The best price with experts model makers.


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