How We Work

- We hold a meeting to discuss what the customer requests and what is the extent of activating the role of the model in the sales process or the presentation process of his product and standing on his needs well until we reach to determine the size of the model according to the place of presentation
- Doing the interview or meeting online - to avoid contact due to the Corona virus - or offline - knowing that we follow all precautionary measures to confront Corona virus - at his company headquarters or at our company’s headquarters to facilitate all means of communication with him
- A technical visit is also available if the customer requests or when inspecting a model for maintenance

Post contract
- Meetings are held to study the model project and understand it well and correctly to facilitate the implementation process
- Periodic follow-up with pictures of the implementation phases, and identifying all the client's requirements at each stage
- Completely delivering the model and supervising its installation at the client's headquarters
- Availability of all amenities for the customer, including maintenance and safety assurance, and providing the accessories and technical support required

Our Mission
We seek to bridge the gap between advanced technology and its integration in order to provide our society the best results and development to get the maximum use of our technically growth

Our vision
We seek to make technology available and link it to the model industry for all companies and large institutions that always strive to develop through employees and technical workers trained with the latest technical means to satisfy all customers

Meeting customers' desires is one of the most important axes that implement the market in general and revitalize the economy and this is what we work hard on and always strive to develop through an understanding team with high experience spanning more than 15 years in this industry.