
Architecture Scale Model Making Service

KH Models

Kh models is a new established company with accumulated experience of (15) years in the field of models manufacturing and maquette to serve various sectors in the local, Arabic and international market, as we always strive to introduce technology in the field of models to provide the best solutions that suit our customers in the Middle East and North Africa

KH Models with accumulated experience also delivered models that were shown to presidents, princes, and some companies and government agencies in various countries and the largest real estate companies.

We provide our clients the value of ideas diversity to be different from all others in the field

The founders believe that the introduction of technology in meeting the customers' desires is one of the most important axes that implement the market in general and revive the economy in particular, and this is what we work hard on and always strive to develop through an understanding team with high experience spanning more than 10 years in the industry

We always strive to attract trained technicians, which KH Models Textile consists of more than 15 technicians and engineers, whose experience ranges from 10 to 20 years in the field of model making in every department of the company

The understanding and professional work team makes the implementation of the model in a short time one of the most important features that distinguishes us in response to the client's desire and our participation in the success of his project


Our Mission

We seek to bridge the gap between advanced technology and its integration in order to provide our society the best results and development to get the maximum use of our technically growth


Our vision

We seek to make technology available and link it to the model industry for all companies and large institutions that always strive to develop through employees and technical workers trained with the latest technical means to satisfy all customers



Meeting customers' desires is one of the most important axes that implement the market in general and revitalize the economy and this is what we work hard on and always strive to develop through an understanding team with high experience spanning more than 15 years in this industry.

لماذا كي اتش موديلز


اكثر من 15 سنة خبرة


اكتر من 450 م مربع مساحة مجسمات منفذه


اكثر من 15 مهندس و فنى


24/7 دعم فنى متواصل


12 شهر ضمان حقيقى

Our Team

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Contact us now

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the services or products provided, please contact us by land line, by mobile, by e-mail, or through our accounts on social media.